2000 - jor USA : bayan bhai yameen

Old Workers' Jor USA, Jersey - 20/07/2000

Changing of one's natural needs like sleeping, eating etc to satisfy one's requirements is not named mujahadah. But in sacrificing one's requirements of nature solely for the pleasure of Allah is named mujahadah.  Mankinds biggest wealth is hidayat. For Hidayat Allah sent ambia (as). The effort done by the ambia (as) on hidayat comprises of Dakwah, Taklim and Taskiah. Rasulullah (saw) like the previous ambia (as) also carries out these Amal and He has prepared and taught the Sahabat (ra) these Amal.  Rasulullah (saw) also brought alive the Amal of the Masjid. In the Masjid Nabawi there were gatherings of Iman and the Dakwah of Iman, learning and teaching and remembrance of Allah was established. These Amal of the Masjid was to make the mankinds so they will come to the hidayat.

The Amal of the Masjid was established and then it was used in the market, field and work place, the Amal was also established there. To make the mankinds the only place is the Masjid. Likewise material things are made in one place and then utilised in other places. Mankinds are made in the Masjid and then they are utilised in all other places. Mankinds that are not made will give damage to others. A car was made with such completeness but the driver is mentally unstable then his life, the car and the lives of others will be in danger. So if a man has not been made and he is using the car he will give danger to others. If a fault is found in a material thing everybody accepts it as incomplete but a fault in a human we do not say so. Man is made in the Masjid. The Amal of the Masjid are the Amal of the Ambia (as) and are the causes of hidayat. If we are united in bringing these Amals alive then we will revive the 'Best Qurun' again.

The basis is we have to make intention and decision with conviction that I am the Naib (vice) of Rasulullah (saw). So I will use my life according to that. To make us understand, if I am Doctor, Engineer or so and so then we will say this is my occupation so I will have to give time for that and definate we will get our returns/rewards. Similarly, I realise I am the Naib of Rasulullah (saw) so I will give time to establish the Amal of the Masjid and also with these zeal I make intention to bring these Amal (of hidayat) to all the Masjid of the world. Allah will guide and nurture us for that. If we make ourselves just like others, Allah will not teach us but if we make ourselves as the Naib (vice) of Rasulullah (saw), Allah will guide us and till Qiamat Allah will train and teach us these Amal. One thing is the training of any job but the other is the traning and nurturing of the Naib of Rasulullah (saw).

The training of any  job is a small thing but the traning and nurturing of the Naib of Rasulullah (saw) i.e. the Umati of Rasulullah (saw) is a big thing. Ulamak has told us about the virtues of this umat. This Umat in the hereafter will come as if they are Nabi. We have to feel we are the Naib of Rasulullah (saw). Let us make the determination that I should make effort to be accepted by Allah. As the Naib of Rasulullah (saw) we should put our objective in front of us and we should think of our responsibilities and duties towards it and what have we done. Realising this we should seek Taubah (repentance) from Allah. Making Taubah, Allah will accept us and changes our bad deeds to good. Make determination we will be ready for the demands of the work.

The tertib of 4 months/40 days every year or 3 days every month is not the ultimate but only to bring us to the quality that we are ready  to be sent anytime. The prescribed schedule is to prepare us so that in any circumstances we are ready. Our yearly or monthly tertib is to put ourselves in such a manner that whatever the circumstances I will go. This is the training so we can continue the style of the Sahabat (ra) in the meaning of the Ayat 'Infiru Ki Fa Fa.......'Anytime on any circumstances we are ready to be sent. I am going to do this work like the Sahabat (ra) and they have strived for this position.

Hadrat Maulana Ali Mia (Sayyad Abu Hasan Ali Nadwi) (rah) after the demise of Hadratji Maulana Inamul Hasan (rah) came to Nizamudeen to offer takziah (condolences). In the presence of our Elders, Maulana Izahar, Maulana Said Ahmad Khan, Meiji Mehrab, Maulana Umar, Hj Abdul Muquit (rah.a) and also Maulana Saad, Maulana Zubair, Mufti Sh, Hj Abdul Wahab. Bhai Afzal said the deen of Allah is kept alive today is due to the sentiment of Hadrat Abu Bakar (ra) who was saying 'Can Deen goes down in the life of Abu Bakar (ra)'. To come to this zeal is necessay for each and every Umati. Let us also make this decision, if ever there is deficiency in the deen of Rasulullah (saw) I will sacrifice my wealth and my life to bring it back to the level that was left by Rasulullah (saw). If we make this decision then Allah will give His help 50 times more. This is because of our weaknesses. We are the workers of Rasulullah (saw). Once we have decided upon this then, our occupation will be like Rasulullah (saw). Our day should be like the day of Rasulullah (saw) and also our night should be like the night of Rasulullah (saw). We should understand the high position Allah has given us, so how much time I should take out from my Masjid to fulfil my necessities for my homes and workplace. It is not a matter of how much time I give to my Masjid. I am giving full time in the Masjid and from the Masjid I will give time to my home and business then Allah will help us and makes our home and business the means of correcting others.

The tertib of Rasulullah (saw) should be the guidance for us. We are the workers of Rasulullah (saw), we will do so in the Masjid and take out time from my Masjid like Hadrat Ali (ra). He went to the garden of a Yahud whereby for each bucket of water he took from the well, he will get a date. When he got a handful of dates, he stopped and the Yahud asked him to continue and he will be paid more but Hadrat Ali says it is already enough for me and my family. One is necessity and the other is desire. Mufti Zainul Abidin Sh explained about the food and clothing of Rasulullah (saw) which was so simple. The food of Rasulullah (saw) more valuable or that of the King. The clothing of Rasulullah (saw) more valuable or that of the king. The home of Rasulullah (saw) more valuable or that of the king. The life of rasulullah (saw) is most beloved by Allah. We should cry and ask from Allah to be accepted then the food, clothing and home of Rasulullah (saw) will be loved by us. The standard of our food, clothing and home today should bring us the feelings of shame. We should bring this feelings upon ourselves.

The home of Rasulullah (saw) and also the home of Aishah (ra) was so small. After the demise of Abu Bakar (ra), he was buried in her home along with Rasulullah (saw). After Umar (ra) was injured, he asked his son Abdullah (ra) to ask permission from Aishah (ra) to be buried in her home. During the reign of Hadrat Umar (ra), 3/4 of the world were under him. Any increase in the wealth does not change his lifestyle. Once Umar (ra) went out in the sun searching for something. Usman (ra) asked what he was looking for, Umar (ra) replied that one baby camel was lost and he is looking for it. Usman (ra) asked him to stay under the shelter and he will send his slave to look for it. Umar (ra) replied that in the Qiamat, your slave will not be asked but Umar (ra) will be questioned. His clothing was patched up with 14 patches and the whole world was under him. When Umar (ra) was suggested to increase his allowance he questioned his daughter Habsyah (ra) about the food and clothing of Rasulullah (saw) and he said they are like three wayfarer and two of them have reached their destination and he is following behind them.

Simple way of living whether they have 10 times, 100 times, thousand or hundred of thousands times, it does not change their lifestyle. With this in our life it will be easy for us to like the life of Rasulullah (saw). After Umar (ra) has got the reply that Aishah (ra) has accepted his request, Umar (ra) told his son that after his death bring his Jenazah and passes through the house of Aishah (ra) and ask her again and she agrees then bury him there if not bury him in the public burial ground 'Al Baqi'. When the Jenazah was in front of the house of Aishah (ra), Abdullah (ra) informed Aishah (ra) and Aishah (ra) came out of her house so Umar (ra) can be buried there. This was the house the leader of both worlds. It should be the fine example for us.

We should be giving our life and wealth for the hidayat of the whole mankind. The tertib we are practising is only to prepare us to achieve that level of deen that was left by Rasulullah (saw). The Amal of Hidayat that is Dakwah, Taklim, Taskiah, we have to do it daily. We have to set our time for that. How much time I will give for my Dakwah, Taklim and I should give priority for these Amal. We should not delay upon these Amal because we are the workers of Rasulullah (saw). Set our times in our schedule for our dakwah, Taklim (Masjid and home), Zikir etc. Taklim is to bring out the Dunya from our hearts and bring in the greatness of Amal. The things of the world will not bring success but with the Amal, Allah will give us success. That Taklim will have effect along  with the Amal of Dakwah. That is the greatness of Allah, we should take out the greatness of the whole world from our hearts and negate all the power of  the world. We should give Dakwah day and night.

When hardships come, do not go to the Government or creations. Do what Rasulullah (saw) does because this work of Dakwah is the work of Rasulullah (saw). In doing this work difficulties and hardships will come and Rasulullah (saw) says my sufferings and hardships will be a consolation for my Ummah. In the face of hardships and difficulties, we also do this work then Allah will make us the means of hidayat for the whole mankind. When we encounter hardships and difficulties in this work do not be scared and give up. These are to train and make us as workers of Rasulullah (saw). That 13 years of sufferings for the Sahabat (ra) in Mecca was to make the Sahabat (ra). These tertib is to train us to have the abilities and capabilities. Like 3 days tertib, in America we go for 2 days, WHY 2 DAYS ??? Because we are not prepared for the difficulties, that difficulties is to make us.

There is a story about the king and the bird. A Falcon flew into the home of an old woman, the woman felt that the bird has long tail so she cuts it and also trimmed the other parts so to make it beautiful. The people of the palace was seaching for the lost falcon of the king and when they found the bird and returned it to the king, what will happen to the king. He will command the woman to be punished. Spending 4 times 2 days will not get the benefit of the 3 days tertib spent in one time. The difficulties coming to the work is because we have deviated from the tertib. So when we give Dakwah we should not be affected by the conditions and weaknesses if not how can we take them out. Give Dakwah with (YAKIN) conviction not to give Dakwah that if you cannot go for 3 days, any time also possible. We must not be affected by their weaknesses but what we want from the Ummat.

When Maulana Elias (rah) presented this work to the Ulamak. Mufti Kifayatullah Sh (rah) says that the work is good but who is going to do the work. One Jamaat was sent and Maulana Elias (rah) told the Jamaat to go to Mufti Kifayatullah Sh (rah) and to let him know the first comment from him. When the Jamaat went to Mufti Sh his comment was, now who can say anything, Allah has accepted this effort. In Lahore, one Ahlullah says that the Tablighi people are great people. Business and high level people can go in the path of Allah and they were prepared ny the common people. He says I cannot even prepare my followers for 40 days. He says this is because Allah has accepted someone for  the effort. Prepare others for the complete Dakwah and should not be affected by their weaknesses.

When the 3 days and 40 days are correct Allah will give effect on that. Through the 3 days and 2nd Gasht, establish the Amal of Masjid throughout America. We should not go to places where facilities and amenities are available only. Even there are no Masjid we should go to each and every place wherever there are Muslim. Go to them whether we have to rent basement or tents or mats. If we do like this then the hardships faced by those before us will come upon us. In the midst of winter with snowfalling, they were sleeping in the cold basement and do not know whether their corpse will be there the following morning, these were the conditions of those before us. Establish the Amal of the Masjid and go to everybody in material of  race, creed and nationality. Even there are few Muslim in some areas, we should go to them.

In America, people are of all nationalities are here, regardless of what we have presumed we should go to them and give our sacrifices and do not be affected by their languages. They came here without the language of this land and they are affected so we also should not be affected, go to them. Concentrate on the poorer people, initially on the needy that do not have shelter. Allah help is with them. In our 3 days,prepare cash Jamaat then the whole Jamaat will be people of fikir (worry and concern), they will give Dakwah and make Doa. One is to while away our time. One is that a few brothers will do the work, one is that the whole Jamaat will do the work. They should be target and prepare cash Jamaat. If cash Jamaat is prepared and there are those that have spent time before, send them to another locality. If not send them to our Masjid, make effort for cash Jamaat. And when they return to their own locality prepare them to take cash Jamaat for the following week. One is to prepare cash Jamaat from every Masjid and one is to take out Jamaat from those places that do not have Masjid and new areas.

In 1966 one Jamaat went to France and near a Junction, one Maulana was giving bayan and rain was coming, people took sympathy and they listened. Today there are 300 Masjid in Paris. Weekly gatherings has to be carried out correctly from Asar to Isyrak with a collectively environment. Effort has been made, a collectively representation is to create a collectively envirioment. The next step should be in preparing for cash Jamaat. We should come by Asar and coming in Jamaat with our own food, extra for others. Hadits says the food from the Mukmin, one is good for two and two is good for four. There are people that came without preparation so the extra food will helps. In Makki Masjid, Bhai Ishak Sh used to prepare food but later 25,000 to 50,000 people gathered. We should start from the proper tertib with the attitude of 'Spending my money on others and not to take from others'.

In our local Taklim, we should sit for at least 1/2 hour daily and if any difficulties from the locals. Give advice to them before they leave and whatever time they can sit, they sit but we will continue our 1/2 hour. Regard ourselves as the people of the Masjid, familiar ourselves with the Masjid for we are with the environment of the Malaikat (Angels). The Hadits says, the Malaikat will help us and they will visit us when we are sick. We will be the guests of Allah and Allah will honour them. We should bring alive the Amal of the Masjid. (MASJID KI ABAD) In the whole world, we should go to the proper USUL and DIRECTION of the work.

In the last Riawind Ijtima (1999), all our Hadrat (that is the Syura appointed by Hadratji (rah)) sat together and has decided the tertib of the work for the whole world. Those Jamaat going out in the path of Allah (swt) should be meticulous in their individual (infradi) and collective (ijtimai) Amal, should make effort on themselves and others. Make maximum effort for cash Jamaat in the Masjid they are making effort. In every Masjid, make the maqami Jamaat and establish the 5 Amal. If there is existing Masjid wal Jamaat, make them particular about the 5 Amal. In our Masjid, day and night, we should bring alive the Amal of the Masjid. We should take out time from our busy schedule to establish the Amal of the Masjid day and night.

As the Naib of Rasulullah (saw), demands for the establishment of the Amal of the Masjid should be given priority. This does not mean to leave our work. To fulfil these, half day and half night, 8 hours or minimum 2 1/2 hours are requested and brothers should be encourage to give time. Effort should be done on a day and night basis in order to bring the Amal of the Masjid alive. Together with the Mesyuarat with the brothers, after Fajar, a short bayan will be given on Iman, yakin and other qualities and the effort on how to bring the 6 qualities into our life. In the day apart from the fikir and mesyuarat, the halkah of the Fadail Taklim for 2 to 2 1/2 hours should be established and also other Amal. Nevertheless there are varying conditions of the Masjid, certain practises are there and our effort should not interfere with that and our effort is to bring into Amal of the Masjid day and night and in 24 hours there will be people to be met and people to be prepared for the work.

One of the first brother(Brother Rashid) from America after spending time in Riawind, people asked whether he will wear the same attire, he was dressing in Jamaat, in America. Look he says, I am an American, whatever we wear will be adopted by the whole world. Hadratji (rah) says, you are in America. He says there is nothing to be afraid and nothing to be apologetic.

To rectify one's belief (yakin, Imaniat kaifait) and to bring the whole world upon this yakin, daily we should give dakwah to the meaning of the Kalimah (mahfum of the Kalimah). Takaza has been given but their Yakin has not been made so the daily Dakwah of the kalimah is to correct their Yakin. To correct the Yakin, daily Dakwah to be given that the entire creation cannot do anything. We have to negate the whole creation first then the correct Yakin will come. The Doer is Allah and people should be using their life and wealth to follow the orders of Allah and the ways of Rasulullah (saw) so they will be successful in this world and the Hereafter (akhirat). Effort to bring the whole Deen in our life during our time in the path of Allah or in our own locality together with our Masjid wal Jamaat.

Local brothers that are ready to spend time through Mesyuarat give Dakwah. If alone find his companion. If two or three brothers go door to door and from there invite them to come to the Masjid and participate in the Amal of Dakwah that is going on in the Masjid and prepare them for 4 months/40 days. Make them understand the work through targrib/advices so they can give maximum time for the Amal of the Masjid. Rasulullah (saw) started the effort alone so even we are alone do it by visiting the houses. Establish the 100 % environment of Deen in the houses. Advices for the establishment of the Halqah of Iman and yakin, Halqah of Taklim Fadail, Solat, Zikir and Tilawatul Quran then the environment will be formed.

Encouragement should be given to make each and every member of the family to be DAI. This effort done through Ijtimai throughout the day will give benefit. Make our Masjid alive with the Amal, Day and Night for 24 hours. 100 % of the people will be able to be visited. Give Dakwah for the Masjid and prepare them to go out in Jamaat. One new worker along with two old workers will form such an environment which will be the source for the new worker to learn the effort of Dakwah. Tasykil should be given in the majlis after every Umumi Dakwah to prepare them to spend time. In the concluding talk in the Bayan we should busy ourselves in preparing each other. Muzakarah of Mughibaat should be considered as one Majlis and should be brought into the Majlis of dakwah Iman and Yakin.



HADRATJI MAULANA INAMUL HASAN SH (RAH) SAYS, ‘WE SHOULD SPEND ONCE IN OUR OWN COUNTRY AND THEN ONCE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY AND THE THIRD YEAR WE SHOULD GO BACK TO INDIA/PAKISTAN’. These time should be those apart from the time we coming for the Ijtima. The time should be those we are spending solely in India/Pakistan. 


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